March 2024 Minutes

Town of Gingles March 13, 2024 Meeting Minutes

March 2024 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill Pearce, Traci Beiersdorff and Laura Martinsen were present. There were 5 people in public attendance.

  • The February, 2024 minutes were presented and a motion was made by Pat Colgrove, seconded by Bill Pearce to approve them with one correction. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The February, 2024 treasurer’s report was presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce and seconded by Tom Riemer to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

Comments by Clerk/Board –

  • Chairman identified he received a phone call from a resident, in the township, inquiring about firework permits. The only firework permit for the Town currently is for ABC Raceway to launch fireworks.
  • Chairman also discussed about the possibility of the Town Hall getting Internet access and will begin researching possible options. More on this to come at future meetings.
  • Chairman also brought up the possibility of having the Town of Gingles get a website to help with posting of agendas, meeting minutes, etc. Chairman will also look more into this and bring back to future meeting.
  • Supervisor Bill Pearce indicated he received a phone call from a resident about a sign down on Butterworth Road. Chairman confirmed the sign has already been put back up.
  • Town Clerk identified they received an email from a local realtor in town. The realtor identified they had a client who may be interested in purchasing a bar, in the Town of Gingles, and hopes to convert the bar into apartments and was wanting to transfer the liquor license to a bar in the city of Ashland. Town Clerk informed realtor that would not be possible as the city of Ashland and Town of Gingles are two different jurisdictions and a transfer of liquor licenses would not be possible.
  • Town Clerk discussed about the problems they are having with their town issued laptop. Chairman identified it will be put on next month’s agenda for discussion.
  • Town Treasurer indicated that $130,366.06 was transferred from the tax account to the General Account.



  • Review Culvert Inventory/Inspection Program: Ashland County Highway Commission was present and reviewed the culvert inventory and inspection program options and deadlines. The one new change, as of this week, set by the State of WI was that for the inspections and the County Highway Commissioner can no longer do town roads. Commissioner also identified that Brittany Goudos-Weisbecker, GIS Coordinator & Land Information Officer, with Ashland County is creating a program that towns can use for culvert inventory which will populate into an Excel spreadsheet which can be uploaded into WI DOT’s website. A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to have Ashland County Highway Commissioner do Town of Gingles culvert inventory program. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Work in Right-of-Way Permit for Enbridge for Possible Emergency Response for Line 5: Michelle Johnson, with Enbridge, reviewed that a weather event could trigger a purge and it could occur at any time. In the event that a purge is needed, Town Chairman, Ashland County Sheriff and residents along the impacted road would all be notified. A Work in ROW was provided to Enbridge in the event that is needed.
  • WI DOR Reimbursement for Tribal Taxation Revenue: Town Clerk reviewed that they received an email indicating that the Town of Gingles is eligible to receive an immediate aid payment of $36,716.00 for the loss in taxable property value as a result of a recent court ruling. Town Clerk completed all necessary forms for this.
  • Proposal for Town Hall Gate Repair: Town Chairman provided new estimates provided from Dairyland Fence. A motion was made by Bill Pearce to approve Dairyland Fence’s estimate of $2,470 for upgrading of town’s entrance gate. Motion was seconded by Pat Colgrove to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Town of Gingles Garbage Services: Chairman was provided estimated tonnage used for trash and recycling from Republic Services. Still working on gathering more information on costs and will be brought back to a future meeting for further discussion.


  • Roads:
  • LRIP TRID/TRIS application update: LRIS TRID/TRIS is now moving into the third phase of the project. Town of Gingles Beaser Road project was rated the number one project in Ashland County. State of WI DOT will inform towns which have been approved. Discussion regarding the logistics of funding the project and reimbursement rates.
  • Enbridge Road Use Agreement for Line 5 Project: Discussion regarding in the road use agreement for the Line 5 project and the amount needed for the bond, in the event the road is damaged during the project.  Also, discussion for the logistics of which roads will be impacted during the Line 5 project within the Town of Gingles. A motion was made by Bill Pearce to approve the Enbridge Road Use Agreement for Line 5 project as listed. Motion was seconded by Pat Colgrove to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Open Book and Board of Review Dates: Town Clerk identified that they informed North WI Assessment Service assessors of Town’s BOR and Open Book dates. Assessors were unavailable for Open Book date set. Clerk reviewed required timelines. Open Book will still be on 4/24/24 2:00-4:00 PM at the Town Hall. The new date of BOR will be on 5/16/24 6:00-8:00 PM, also at the Town Hall. Clerk will inform Town Assessor of new date and time.
  • Set Date for Board Road Inspection and Planning: Date was set for Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM for Town Chairman and Supervisors to attend.
  • Building/Driveway Permits:  None
    Public Comments: None
    -The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. with the monthly board meeting to follow immediately afterwards.
    -The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.
    -Meeting was adjourned.

    Laura Martinsen, Clerk