November 2023 Minutes

Town of Gingles November 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes

November 2023 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill, Pearce, Laura Martinsen and Traci Beiersdorff were present. There was one person in public attendance.

  • The October, 2023 minutes were presented and a motion was made by Pat Colgrove, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The October, 2023 treasurer’s report was presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce and seconded by Tom Riemer to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Comments by Clerk/Board – None



  • Sign Replacements [and posts]:Chairman identified he replaced what was missing, still needs to put up 10-ton limit on County Highway A.
  • No Logging Trucks [Old Airport Road] & Speed Limit, 10-ton Limit [on Holmes Road]:Chairman has put signs up on roads identified above.
  • Project Discussion

  • Handicap Access Replacement/Enbridge donation: Town Clerk and Treasurer verified that Town received ETF of $20,000 from Enbridge. Chairman asked Clerk to itemize how the funding was spent. Town Clerk verified they will break down how the $20,000 was spent and provide it to Chairman.
  • LRIP and TRI-D road funding Requests: Prior to meeting, Chairman printed off reports from different townships on how they use funding for local roads through LRIP and TRI-D. Town Board reviewed the reports at the meeting. Chairman is on local Committee that ranks each township in Ashland County. More on this to come at future meetings.

    Remaining Projects: Chairman identified that the County may not get to brushing roadsides this year but this will have to be done next year.

    Town Assessor Position: Town Clerk presented to the Board two different proposals for the Town Assessor position. Proposals from Municipal Group [out of Stevens Point] and North Wisconsin Assessment Service were reviewed and discussed by the Board. A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to approve North Wisconsin Assessment Service, as the Town of Gingles Assessor effective January 1, 2024. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried. Chairman asked Clerk to draw up a contract for North Wisconsin Assessment Service outlining their terms and conditions. Town Clerk will bring contract to next board meeting for review and discussion. Town Clerk will also inform assessors who submitted proposals who Town has decided to go with.


    Road Projects for 2024: Discussion among board members about following projects that will be completed in 2024: graveling on Butterworth Road, dust control, cold mix/wedging and other road projects to be determined by Board.

    Adopt 2024 Budget & Tax Levy: The budget meeting was held prior to the monthly meeting at which discussion was held on the budget and levy. A motion was made by Bill Pearce, seconded by Tom Riemer to adopt the proposed 2024 budget and tax levy.  All in favor, motion carried.

    Town Worker Fee Schedule: Discussion regarding current fee schedule for town including election workers, recycling attendant, town board, etc. Discussed possible increases and Town Chairman will type up all of proposed increases and bring to next board meeting for approval.

    Public Comment: County Board member present discussed plowing of town roads. County Board member was able to confirm with Ashland County Highway Department they are fully staffed for plow drivers.

    County Board member also identified he attended a transportation meeting recently that discussed current and anticipated transportation needs within the County for the next 10 years. County Board member asked if Town of Gingles would benefit from transportation services. Concern is that the Town of Gingles is too spread out, location wise, to benefit from any scheduled transportation services.

    Building/Driveway Permits: None

    -The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

    -The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.

    -Meeting was adjourned.

    Laura Martinsen, Clerk