May 2024 Minutes

Town of Gingles May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

May 2024 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill Pearce, Traci Beiersdorff and Laura Martinsen were present. There were 8 people in public attendance.

  • The April, 2024 minutes were presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
  •  The April, 2024 treasurer’s report was presented and a motion was made by Tom Riemer and seconded by Pat Colgrove to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to move building permits up on the agenda after comments by clerk/board. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.

Comments by Clerk/Board – Town Supervisor identified he had gotten a call from a resident, in the township, with concerns about grass impeding the line of vision in the road. Chairman relayed this will be addressed.

Building/Driveway Permits: A motion was made by Tom Riemer to approve a building permit for Mark Hoglund. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried. A motion was made by Bill Pearce to approve a building permit for Bill Bernhoft. Motion seconded by Pat Colgrove to approve. All in favor, motion carried.


American Rescue Plan Act-Completion of Report: Town Clerk identified that they were able to complete the annual ARPA report due on April 30th outlining that the Town has spent all funds allocated to them. Clerk added that this report will be due annually through 2027 which is the final year the grant funds can be spent.

Town Trash Collection Report: Chairman identified that he has no new information to report on this. More discussion to come at future meetings.


Open Book Report & Notification: Chairman identified that they have not heard anything from the Town’s Assessor [North WI Assessment Services] stating that any residents showed up for Open Book which was held on April 24, 2024 from 2-4 pm. Town Clerk commented they also have not received any notifications from the Town Assessor and reiterated that Board of Review, for the town, will be on May 16, 2024 6-8 pm.

Board Discussion with Town of Eileen Chairman about ABC Road Maintenance: Town Chairman presented to Board an MOU that was created between Town of Gingles and Town of Eileen in regards to Ashland Bayfield Road maintenance. MOU was signed between the chairmans from each township. There was discussion amongst the board regarding the specifics outlined in the MOU.

Road Maintenance Plan for 2024: Chairman provided updates on projects for this year: pavement repair [patching by Ashland County and cold mix repairs on Beaser South of Hegstrom Road [by Town]; dust control which will be scheduled as weather permits; brush mowing [County] completing the remaining roads: Hegstrom, Weister, Wakefield and Harju Roads and possible overlay Beaser North of Hegstrom Road. Board members added comments to the discussion.

Transfer of Funds to Money Market: A motion was made by Tom Riemer to transfer $60,000 from the General Account fund to the money market account. Motion was seconded Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.

Public Comment: A resident residing at the end of Old Airport Road inquired if there was going to be any dust control applied to that particular stretch of the road as he felt it posed a safety concern. Town Chairman identified that it will all depend if there is product leftover as there are already roads, pre-selected by the Town board, which roads will be getting dust control this year.

  • Another resident in the township inquired what the plan is for Old Airport Road to be repaired. Chairman outlined plan for the road is per an agreement made with Enbridge in the event the road becomes damaged during the Line 6 project. In addition, Chairman relayed that he continues to explore grant funding options for potential projects.

-The regular monthly board meeting will be held on June 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.

-Meeting was adjourned.

Laura Martinsen, Clerk