Town of Gingles March 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes
March 2023 Meeting Minutes
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Laura Martinsen, Tom Riemer, Bill Pearce and Traci Beiersdorff were also present. There was one person in public attendance.
-The February 2023, minutes were reviewed by the Board and a motion was made by Bill to approve the minutes with seconded by Tom to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
-The February 2023 Treasurer’s report was reviewed by the Board and a motion was made by Tom, seconded by Bill to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
Comments by Clerk/Board:
Town Chairman identified he had talked to a resident in the township interested in buying tribal property off of Holmes Road.
Town Treasurer identified that she deposited approximately $134,000 into the general funds collected from property taxes. This is slightly more than last year.
Further discussion regarding garbage costs in the township. Chairman is still waiting to hear back from Republic Services regarding prices if the town were to have a dumpster at the town hall for residents to drop off their trash on certain days. Discussion was also had that town could negotiate prices and determine if Eagle Waste or Republic Services would offer a better rate. Having a dumpster at the town hall would likely eliminate individual pickups, in the township, with certain exceptions for residents who own businesses, have agriculture property, etc. Further discussion on this to come at later meetings.
Town Chairman also relayed that BIL has another grant opportunity for road projects. Due date to submit an application is March 24th. This grant is an 80/20 where the Town would be responsible for only 20% of the total cost rather than paying for the entire project and then be reimbursed. Chairman has talked to a local engineer in the township who is willing to help. More on this to come as well at future meetings.
Discussion regarding upcoming district meetings at Lakewoods Resort in Cable on May 8th. Chairman is interested in attending.
Old Business:
Continued discussion regarding the conditions of local roads.
ARPA Project:
Handicap Access Ramp: Chairman relayed that a final decision on the project will not be made until this spring and will remain on the agenda. Discussion regarding handrail requirements.
Deputy Clerk position:
Discussion that Deputy Clerk’s wage would come out of the general fund. Reiterated that Deputy Clerk’s duties would be pre-election work, overseeing the day of the election and post-election duties. There was only one candidate interested in the position. A motion was made by Tom to hire Kathleen Colgrove as the Town’s Deputy Clerk at a rate of $18/hr. Motion was seconded by Bill to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
Towns Association plan for revenue loss due to taxation decision: Town Chairman identified that WI Towns Association and Wisconsin Counties Association are going to speak to State Legislators about having the State reimburse the counties impacted by revenue loss due to taxation decision. It is possible that it may be a year process before the Town of Gingles finds out the impact of the decision. Will continue to have discussion on this at future meetings.
New Business:
Spring Load limit postings: Discussion that the signs will be put up in the township soon.
Place Eagle Waste box at Stewart driveway: Discussion that in the past a trash receptacle had been placed at the end of Holmes Road for multiple residents to put their trash for one central pick up, making it easier for the private hauler. Chairman will speak to the resident about putting the Eagle Waste box out there again.
Review of Road Maintenance Planning Meeting: Town Chairman and Supervisors will establish a meeting, likely in May, to drive around in township to determine what roads are in need of repair this year.
Discussion with new owner on 50589 Beaser Road about trailer usage: Chairman has spoken to new owner about trailer’s usage. Resident is going to fix up and use as a rental. Resident is in agreement that people are not able to stay in the trailers.
Open Book and Board of Review Dates: Town Clerk identified that Open Book has been set for Wednesday, April 26, 9-11 am [over the phone] with Town Assessor. Board of Review will be at the Town Hall on Tuesday, June 6, 6-8 pm. These dates were provided by the Town Assessor and are in compliance with State statute requirements.
Public Comment: None
Building and Driveway Permits: None
Liquor Licenses/Permits: None
-The Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 7:00 pm with the regular monthly meeting to follow immediately after.
-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.
– Audit books: A motion was made by Tom to postpone auditing books until April’s meeting. Motion was seconded by Pat to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
-Meeting was adjourned.
Laura Martinsen, Clerk