Town of Gingles July 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill Pearce, Traci Beiersdorff and Laura Martinsen were present. There were 3 people in public attendance.
· The June, 2024 minutes were presented, and a motion was made by Pat Colgrove, seconded by Bill Pearce to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
· The June, 2024 treasurer’s report was presented, and a motion was made by Tom Riemer and seconded by Bill Pearce to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
Comments by Clerk/Board – A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to amend the agenda to move up building/driveway permits. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
Building/Driveway Permits: A motion was made by Tom Riemer to approve building permits for Ross Fuhrman and Mike Hebert. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
· Supervisor Tom Riemer brought up that he had received a phone call from Matt Erickson, Ashland County Highway Department Commissioner regarding agriculture grants, LRIP-AG, that are available and that only one application has been submitted from three counties: Ashland, Bayfield and Iron. Discussion regarding the specifics of the LRIP-AG grant.
· Town Chairman relayed that there was a resident that had a vehicle in the work in right-of-way and he has contacted the resident that the vehicle needs to be removed.
· Town Chairman also identified he has been in discussions with the bank who is willing to do a commercial loan to help fund the Beaser Road project. However, nothing has been set up as the different options on how to raise funds for the Beaser Road project are being discussed. More to come at future meetings.
· Supervisor Bill Pearce identified there is dead popple trees in the ditch of Old Airport Road. Not impeding the work in right-of-way.
· Roads
– Continued patching: Chairman identified that Ashland County continues to do patching throughout the township, as needed.
– Patching Needed: Chairman expressed that patching is still needed on Beaser south of Hegstrom Road.
· Report on Town Website: Town Clerk identified they were able to get meeting minutes, agendas and commonly used forms uploaded to the town’s website. The website is officially “live” and can be accessed [www.townofgingles.org]. Town Clerk will contact the Wisconsin Towns Association to verify notice requirements and how that works now that the town has a website.
· MOE and SL-305 Report to DOR: Town Clerk confirmed both reports were completed and submitted to WI Department of Revenue, in a timely manner.
· Town Trash pick-up in Gingles: Continued discussion amongst board members on specifics of what that would mean if the town only had trash pick-up available at the Town Hall. This would need to be put on a ballot and voted on by residents in the township. Discussion regarding possible pros and cons to having trash pickup at town hall. The decision was made to table any further movement at this time but will continue to monitor the situation.
· Contact made with Xcel Energy: Chairman identified he was able to connect with Xcel Energy to secure gravel loads for added Maintenance on Wakefield Road. 6 loads of gravel will be added to Wakefield Road and Nick Nye will perform the work needed for the gravel.
· No logging trucks without town permission resolution: Chairman presented to the board a resolution that he had typed that would prevent logging trucks to be used on certain roads in the township without board permission. Discussion regarding the specific roads that would apply to the resolution. Decision was made to vote on the resolution at next month’s meeting.
· Liquor License Applications Approval: Town Clerk presented to the Board a full regular liquor license for Boomer’s as a provisional liquor license and had been approved last month. A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to approve full regular liquor license for Boomer’s. Motion was seconded by Tom Riemer to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
· Public Comment: None
-The regular monthly board meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.
-Meeting was adjourned.
Laura Martinsen, Clerk