January 2025 Meeting Minutes

Town of Gingles
January 8, 2025
Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill Pearce, Traci Beiersdorff and Laura Martinsen were present. There was 1 person in public attendance.

  • The December 2024 minutes were presented, and a motion was made by Bill Pearce, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The December 2024 Treasurer’s report was presented, and a motion was made by Tom Riemer and seconded by Bill Pearce to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

Comments by Clerk/Board – A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to amend the agenda to reflect adding mobile home licenses under licenses. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.

Supervisor inquired if there was a building permit on file for Matt Rooni as there has been noticeable construction occurring on his land. Clerk reiterated that there was no building permit completed, in the last year, for said resident. Town Clerk was asked to send a letter to resident reminding that a building permit is required along with a $30 fee. Completed building permit and fee will need to be brought to a town board meeting for board approval.


  • Roads:
    • Hegstrom Weight Limits [20-ton signs]- Chairman identified that he put on covers on the 20-ton signs located in the township.
    • Beaser Patching Completed: Chairman reported the County was able to get patching completed.
    • Line 5 Project Status: Chairman was able to speak to the Line 5 Project Engineer. Project Engineer relayed that the plan will be to use the West end of Highway 112 as an access point. If the meander fails, the plan will then be to utilize Old Airport and Holmes Road. Chairman also identified that the Bad River Tribe is willing to let Enbridge store some of their supplies on tribal land. More on this to come at future meetings.
    • Beaser Project Status: Chairman continues to have conversation with a resident in the township who is also an engineer to work on finalizing bid packets for the project. There will likely be special provisions, in the bid packet, for shoulder work. Bid packets will be put out in the next few months, most likely.


  • Town Hall Furnace Repair: Chairman identified that a mouse got stuck in the motor for the blower seized up. Will work with local HVAC company to get the furnace repaired.
  • Mouse Problem at Town Hall: Chairman identified he will be picking up some mouse traps to set up in the town hall.
  • Operators Licenses: None
  • Building/Driveway Permits: None
  • Mobile Home Licenses: A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to approve a mobile home license application for Lisa Hovarter. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce, to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Public Comment: None

-The next monthly board meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7:00 pm.

-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.

-Meeting was adjourned.

Laura Martinsen, Clerk