December 2023 Minutes
Town of Gingles December 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill, Pearce, Laura Martinsen and Traci Beiersdorff were present. There were 7 people in public attendance.
-The November, 2023 minutes were presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
-The November, 2023 treasurer’s report was presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce and seconded by Tom Riemer to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
Comments by Clerk/Board – None
– Winter Weight Limit on Hegstrom Road: Chairman identified he just has to cover the signs.
– Completion of Access Ramp/Enbridge Sponsor Sign: Project is officially completed and Chairman has been in contact with Community Relations Specialist with Enbridge to have sign of recognition approved. An article will be put in Bottom Line News and Ashland Daily Press to recognize the project and grant funding of $20,000 provided by Enbridge.
– Application for LRIP Reimbursement for Beaser Road: Town of Gingles project on Beaser Road [Hegstrom Road to Weister Road] has been named the # 1 project in Ashland County. Emmer Shields has forwarded the rankings to the State. It will then be up to the State to decide which projects to fund. If Town of Gingles is approved, there will be time to accumulate some additional funding. The winner of the selected funding should be notified around January 15, 2024.
– Town of Gingles Fee Schedule Proposal: Discussion regarding proposed increases for the Town of Gingles fee schedule. A motion was made by Bill Pearce to approve the new proposed fee schedule, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
– Gingles Town Assessor Position: Perri and Robert Campbell, with North Wisconsin Assessment Services, Inc. were present at the meeting to answer questions the board had. Town Clerk had brought a proposed contract for both board and North Wisconsin Assessment Services to review. A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to approve contract between Town of Gingles and North Wisconsin Assessment Services with changes proposed by Town Clerk. Motion was seconded by Bill Pearce. All in favor, motion carried. The contract’s term is from November 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026. Compensation for North Wisconsin Assessment Services will be $4,000 annual fee, annual software costs and expenses not to exceed $500 payable at the Board of Review and will be paid on a quarterly basis. Town Clerk will make corrections to contract and work with Robert and Perri Campbell to obtain signatures needed. Town Clerk will also notify Ashland County Clerk new name of the Town’s Assessor.
– MOU with Town of White River: Chairman provided insight that he had developed an MOU between Town of Gingles and Town of White River to outline specifics for the maintenance of boarder line roads. Chairman for both townships have signed the MOU. Town of Gingles Chairman will mail out copies to the board.
– 2024 Project Discussion/Suggestions: Chairman discussed some possible projects for 2024 including wedging and needing to get proposals for that. In addition, Chairman added that due to the unseasonably warm weather this winter, the County may be able to get to brushing roadsides before the end of the year. Additional discussion regarding 2024 road projects.
– Approve Poll Workers: A list of election worker nominees was reviewed by the board. A motion was made by Pat Colgrove, seconded by Tom Riemer to approve the list of the following workers for 2023-2025: Thomas Marincel, Brett Martinsen, Laura Martinsen, Ann Letko, Shelia Korpela, Judith Putnam and Judith Griffiths. All in favor, motion carried.
Public Comment: None
Building/Driveway Permits: A motion was made by Pat Colgrove to approve building permits for Ben Larson and Brett Martinsen. Motion seconded by Bill Pearce to approve. All in favor, motion carried.
-The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by Board signature.
-Meeting was adjourned.
Laura Martinsen, Clerk