April 2023 Minutes

Town of Gingles April 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes

April 2023 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was held following the annual meeting and was called to order by
Chairman, Patrick Colgrove. Tom Riemer, Bill, Pearce and Traci Beiersdorff were present.
Laura Martinsen was excused. There were 4 others in public attendance.

  • The March, 2023 minutes were presented and a motion was made by Pat Colgrove, seconded by Bill Pearce to approve them as written. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The March, 2023 treasurer’s report was presented and a motion was made by Bill Pearce and seconded by Tom Riemer to approve the report as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

Comments by Clerk/Board – Pat said road patching should begin next week.

Old Business:
ARPA Town Hall Project – Pat said the plan to rebuild the handicap access ramp will involve
bringing in fill and putting in a sloped slab so that it can be plowed.
LRIP BIL Grant Application- Pat said he should be hearing by the end of April if we have been approved.

New Business:
Trash collection in township- Pat is in the process of collecting costs from Republic Services to provide dumpsters at the town hall for trash collection. He is also speaking to other municipalities to see how this is working out.
BOR training- Pat will complete the training this year.
Road maintenance tour- the board will tour town roads when the snow is gone to see what condition they are in and if there are any problems.

Public Comment- George Bussey discussed the Tribal tax ruling and said that the County and
State are still in discussions concerning the financial impact. He also said Ashland and Bayfield
counties have been exploring the efficiency and cost effectiveness of combining 911 emergency
centers into one center.

Building and driveway permits- A motion was made by Pat, seconded by Bill to approve a
building permit presented by Kevin Schmidt. All in favor, motion carried.

-The next regular monthly meeting was scheduled for May 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
-The 2022 clerk’s and treasurer’s ledgers were audited by Tom and Bill and were approved.
-The bills were submitted and authorized to be paid by board signature.
-Meeting was adjourned.

Traci Beiersdorff, Treasurer for
Laura Martinsen, Clerk